Build your own voter file
Lots of systems out there enable you to reach voters. Filpac is designed to develop relationships with them.
With our system it's easy. And cheap!
In most states the registered-voter file is available, if not for free, at a nominal charge. It takes only a few minutes to import into your Filpac system every voter in your county or district with complete voting history.
And it's yours. Any supporting information you add remains in your domain, which is never assured if you're posting your updates online to asystem available to others .
If you can access the GOP's Datacenter ...
With Filpac, you can take advantage of the enhancements available from the GOP's Datacenter. importing is easy!
Or if you cannot ...
Then you can enhance your voter file yourself! Quickly and inexpensively. The Filpac system includes a utility to export all or part of your file in a format that can be easily read by outside vendors. And of course as a Filpac user you'll always have the backup of the best software support service on the planet.
You'll have the best voter file on the block because the offerings of the GOP and some vendors are generated from voter files purchased before the last election!
(The prices below are based on recent quotes for a file of 100,000.)
National Change-of-Address (NCOA)
(About $2 per thousand through most vendors) You'll remove those who have moved or died -- and save thousands in mailing costs -- by matching your voter file against the Postal Service's NCOA system.
Deceased Suppression
(.85 per thousand) Most NCOA vendors will provide "deceased suppression", which identifies those who have died. And which we recommend. The NCOA process includes a "deceased" code but it's rarely used. Generally when a person dies, the mail either continues to be received by the surviving spouse or is forwarded to the next of kin (which makes it appear that the person hasn't died but merely moved).
Phone Matching
($12 per thousand) Direct your vendor to use a "tight" matching logic to cut down on bad numbers. And don't expect more than a third of your file to be reliably matched. Only about half of households have landlines, and 30 percent of those are unlisted, which leaves about 35 percent of households with listed landline phone numbers. That number is even lower in metropolitan areas.