An excellent solution for GOP organizations

Put aside the fact that we're well within the price range of a frugal county or state party organization. Put aside the fact that our all-in-one campaign software enables you to provide a service to your candidates that is second to none. Put aside the fact that the empowerment of an updated prospect database will help you find the donors you've been missing all these years.

Party organizations like yours labor under a most difficult set of financial reporting rules. In most cases the funds-segregation rules require the activating and reporting for several committees with different rules and deadlines. You can easily handle all of this in the Filpac system. Not only can you maintain your entire donor database in the same system, you can keep the fund-accounting separate -- a huge time-saver for your overworked treasurer.

Time is money. The Filpac system saves both.

Does your system do all of this?

Filpac Flow Chart
The Filpac software manages all campaign data sources. For example, when a list is sent to the mail house, it won't include those already voted. When the treasurer enters a check, everyone else can see it. When the email service records a bounce or opt-out, it becomes part of the voter record.
The Filpac system's handling of early- and absentee-voters alone makes it worth the minimal investment.

Prospecting and Recruiting

Campaigning is recruiting for both people and dollars. It's hard to attract people if you don't know whom to ask. With our specially-tuned prospect list (available in 33 states) you're getting the names and donor detail of people who've given only to Republicans, which makes them easy prospects for your campaign. Plus, if you want the names of those in your state or district who are politically active, you'll find most of them on this list. Wouldn't it be nice to arrive in a town armed with a walking list of just donor prospects? Knock on their doors and many become sign locations and volunteers. That's recruiting! And there is no better use of a candidate's time.

Precinct Analysis

Do you know the precincts that Donald Trump won in 2016 but went Democrat in 2020? (And then R again in 2022?) If not, then how exactly do you plan to win? We've proven over and over again that precinct targeting not only works but is essential for the candidate in a marginal county or district, who needs to accomplish (at a minimum) two goals: 1) Win the Republican precincts overwhelmingly, and 2) win the so-called ticket-splitters. Without a precinct analysis you can neither plan nor allocate resources effectively. Which means the men and women you've recruited to run are headed for the graveyard of forgotten candidates.

The time will come when funding and people limitations require you to choose where your mailing or canvassing will be most effective. Only the Filpac system ties your voter flie to a chart where precincts are ranked both by target category (Base R, ticket spliiters, aspiring R, Base D, Solid D) and by overall strength. So you can, for example, generate a list of everyone in ticket-splitter precincts but only Rs in the Base-D precincts.

A system for managing absentees and early voters

The problem (a gargantuan problem in some states) is twofold: 1) to reach out with lightning speed to those who've requested absentee ballots, and 2) to tag those who've already voted, so you're not wasting time contacting them. Our system has features to accomplish both.

This job is too important to entrust to others such as a statewide campaign or another Republican Party organization. How your candidates perform in the absentee and early-voting effort is often the determining factor.


Consider this: candididates have yet to meet most of those who will end up helping their campaigns. So it's never too late for a course correction.A plan based on precinct targeting and the dwindling universe of those who haven't yet voted will give your candidates the confidence that they're making every shot count in the final weeks. There's nothing like a series of weekly deadlines to keep things on schedule. And when you're formulating a plan, it helps to do so with the involvement of those who've walked in your shoes.

Party Committee Selection Screen
When you enter the program, you can select from several party committees