An excellent tool for campaign treasurers . . .
That's because the Filpac system is faster, easier and cheaper than what you're using now. (Even if what you're using is free.)
Think you're saving money with free software? Think again.
With the Filpac system, you're never in a corner when it comes to filing reports. Not only do we guarantee our state and federal reporting software, we're always prepared on filing day to go the second mile, if that's what it takes, to get you filed on time. (We were once called by a treasurer at 4 pm on filing day who had nothing but a collection of spreadsheets; we submitted an error-free filing before the midnight deadline.)
Check-writing, general-ledger accounting and a full series of financial reports are included in the system.
Our unique file-synchronization method enables the treasurer to keep his or her database separate from the campaign database, which can be updated by daily or weekly transfers, thus relieving the treasurer of the burden of distributing reports.
. . . especially for treasurers of multiple committees
You can store several committees in one database, keeping the names and addresses the same but separating the financial information and reporting each committee individually.
In the example above, the committee is selected when accessing the program, which stores a list of names an addresses in one fil but, as in the example below, the donations are entered according to which committee is open. Accounting data for other committees can be view (and even reported, if that's what you choose), but not edited from any but the selected committee.
Since many of the donors to each committee give to multiple committees, it makes sense to keep the names and addresses in one file. Then, if the contact information changes, you can change it once and it's effective for all committees.
The charge for setting up additional committees is only $25 if they report to the same filing authority (i.e. the state or FEC) already covered by your software warranty. So you easily can sign up additional committee clients without an additional expense.
Any mix of state and federal committees can be combined using this scheme. One metropolitan-county campaign treasurer stores 50 active and inactive committees in his Filpac system!