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Testing some basic features

Look up a name: Go to Data File Maintenance:Individuals. Type in the first few letters of the last name. The nearest match will show up. Hit the [F3] key. Use the arrow keys or [PgUp] and [PgDn] to scroll through the list. Hit [Enter] to choose one.

Enter a contribution: Once the name is chosen, click on Receipts. Enter a contribution code (Hint: type in GEN.) Youll notice that several other items are automatically filled in, including the date. Enter the amount (no need to enter the decimals) and then click Save. Its that fast and easy! Note: the same basic procedure is followed for disbursements, and Worker, Contact and List entries.

Run a basic report: Reports:File Search. Under the Worker tab, enter YS for Yard Sign. Click Begin Search and youll see a list of everyone with a Yard Sign code. Send a Thank You form letter: Go to Mail Merge:Letters to Merge File. Click Search. You should see a file named ThankYou.rtf. Double-click on it and then click Display/Edit. Youll see the merge fields, and at the bottom youll see "Print records 1 through" ... Print the first three.

Generate a State Disclosure Report: Reports:Disclosure Reports:State. Choose your dates (or accept the defaults) and click Display.

Run a Daily Cash Report: Accounting:Reports:Daily Cash Report. The dates should default to the latest date with contributions. Use this report to match with your bank deposits, and your state filing will be a snap!

Print a Precinct Walking List: Reports:File Search. Under the Main 2 tab enter precinct info, first by typing in the county name under Precinct. (Hit [F3] or use the arrows to view other precincts.) On the Output tab check Walking List. Click Begin Search.

Household a merge file: First you need to create a merge file from the precinct list just created. Go to Mail Merge:Create New Merge File. Click Start. Then go to Mail Merge:Combine Households. Click Start. Finally, go to Mail Merge:Browse and Edit. You should see the records that were matched up.

Order the full version: Pick up the phone and dial 1-800-383-8400. You can get started with your new Filpac system in minutes!