
Setting up Your Connection

Once you've been issued a user name and password, here are the instructions for setting up your connection to the "cloud"-based version of Filpac.

Step 1

This is for Mac users only:

First, download the current version of Remote Desktop for Macs.

Once the program is installed and running, it will ask you for a remote computer name:
Enter the computer name listed in your setup email.
Proceed to Step 4.

Step 2

This is for Windows users

You've been given the name of your organization's installer file. Enter the name of that installer file in your web browser's address bar. Or if it appears in your setup email as an active hyperlink, just double-click on it.

Click RUN and follow the instructions. It will leave a Filpac icon on your desktop.

Double-click the icon and let it connect.

Step 3

Enter the Domain, User Name and Password. (Call us if you don't have a user name and password.)

Enter it with the domain followed by a backslash (\) and then the user name. In the following example, the domain iS APPLE and the user name is cbrown:


You can uninstall the Filpac shortcut anytime by going to the Add/Remove Programs section of your Control Panel.

If you cannot connect

Please write down or screen-save the error message before contacting us. It could be the result of new security settings. So call us.