
Troubleshooting Your Connection

If you cannot connect to the remote server, always click on your Internet browser first to ensure that you're connected to the Internet. If you cannot connect to the Internet through your browser, then you cannot connect to our server. Please assure first that you're connected to the Internet.

If you reach the screen that asks for a password, you've reached the server so connection problems can be ruled out.

If you receive a message saying the credentials are invalid, then the only problem now is to work out the user name and password.

If you receive a message saying Cannot connect to the server, then it's probably one of the following three issues:

(a) The server is inaccessible because of internet problems in the area or because we've taken it offline for maintenance. (Usually we email everyone first.)

(b) The server is blocking unknown IP addresses. Go to this website, cut-and-paste your IP address and then email us.

(c) You're using the wrong web address. Contact us and we'll email to you the gateway URL and the literal URL. Then try this:

Go to the command prompt (“cmd”) and type the following:

ping (gateway URL)

Obviously the 999.99.999.999 URL number is substituted for (gateway URL).

You should see the following response:

Pinging (gateway URL) with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from (gateway URL): bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=241
Reply from (gateway URL): bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=241
Reply from (gateway URL): bytes=32 time=54ms TTL=241
Reply from (gateway URL): bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=241

Ping statistics for (gateway URL):
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 53ms, Maximum = 56ms, Average = 54ms

If the time= variable is more than 100, of if there’s a great variance in each of the four replies, then you’re on a slow or faulty connection.

If not, then the server is not reachable because of internet problems somewhere. If you call us, we’ll first test our own connection to see if the server is reachable. If we find no problems, then at least the problem will be isolated to your internet connection. (Not the answer you want to hear, but at least we know were to look.)

There’s a chance the environment from which you’re connecting cannot resolve the IP address represented by home.filpac.com. Try connecting to the literal URL. (Contact us and we'll email both the gateway and literal URLs.)

Changing the default log-in

When you set up Filpac as a remote application, i.e. you click the icon and the program starts, you're logged in automatically because the server gets the login information from your computer's registry. I

If you're on a computer previously used by another user, and you cannot login with your own user and password, do the following:

Right-click on Start and choose Explore.

Browse to the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Remote Packages

You'll see a file with your organization's name and the extension *.RDP. Right->click on it and choose Edit. There you can change the default user name and password.